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Billboard USA Billboard in the state of California
Cataloxy Los Angeles...Billboard in Los AngelesPersonal adsTransportSpares/accessoriesAccessoriesWholesale/custom accessories For sale2-Layer Faux Pearl Necklace Set

2-Layer Faux Pearl Necklace Set in Los Angeles

ID: 32493   17

Published: 12 Mar. 2024, 02:14
Price: $7,50

Enhance your look with our beautiful faux pearl necklace set. It's classy and stylish, adding charm to any outfit. This necklace has two layers of faux pearls that dangle gracefully around your neck, making you stand out. You can wear it to fancy events or just for everyday occasions. Whether you're going to a party, a work meeting, or hanging out with friends, this necklace will make you feel elegant and confident wherever you are.

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